Best Podcast in Business and Entrepreneurship award for GreytFM! :)

Hello Community Members,

We are thrilled to announce that greytHR’s official podcast series, greytFM, has been nominated for the “Best Podcast in Business and Entrepreneurship” award! :studio_microphone::trophy:

Your support has been incredible, and we are grateful for that. :raised_hands:

Please take a moment to cast your vote for greytFM at Best Business & Entrepreneurship and help us secure this title. Every vote counts, and together, we can make it happen. :ballot_box:

Will request all the community members to vote and spread the word with your connections. :ballot_box::globe_with_meridians: It will really help us to clinch the title with your support. :raised_hands::trophy: #VoteNow #CommunityPower. Let’s show the world the power of the greytFM and Our Greytribe community. Vote, share, and let’s bring home the gold! :1st_place_medal::star2:

Thank you for your unwavering support! :pray:

Community Manager. :busts_in_silhouette:


Thanks and I voted :slight_smile: Did my part :slight_smile:

To all others, comeon we need to win this title for GreytHR.

Come forward and vote :ladder:

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Thanks @spriya ,

Your contribution is really appreciated. :pray:

Yes request all members to come forward and help all of us to achieve this award together. :sos:

Join us and vote for GreytFM. :key:

Hello Community Members,

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with all of you. Our podcast, greytFM, has officially been selected as one of the top 3 finalists in the ‘Best Business & Entrepreneurship Podcast’ category. :rocket:We were up against 21 podcasts in this category.

This is a remarkable achievement, and it reflects the collective effort of each one of you who voted and spread the word! :tada::rocket:

The judging panel will now begin their evaluation, considering various aspects such as narration, content quality, audio production, and creativity. The final results will be out on September 30th, and I’m sure all of us are eagerly anticipating the outcome. Regardless of the result, this recognition is a significant milestone for greytFM and a testament to our commitment to excellence.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your votes and for making this happen. Let’s stay tuned for the big announcement and keep our fingers crossed for the win! :crossed_fingers::heart:
Once again, congratulations everyone. This is an achievement on it own! :love_letter:

Community Manager.