Day 5 of Greytribe Quiz - Last day of the brand new season ! Join now ! Hurry!

Hello Community Members,

:rocket: Join the last and final day of the quiz without miss. This is your last chance to score the highest points in the leaderboard and :trophy: seize the victory! Don’t let it slip away – join now and give it your all! :muscle::tada:

Click here to participate - [Greytribe Quiz 2.0] Contest no 55

Community Manager.


:hourglass_flowing_sand: Hurry! Only 3 and a half hours left for the final day of the quiz! Time’s running out, so don’t miss your chance to participate and win exciting rewards! :stopwatch::checkered_flag:

:hourglass: Only 3 hours left for the grand finale of the quiz! Join now and give it your best shot to secure your place on the leaderboard! :hourglass_flowing_sand::trophy::tada:

Last 2 hours and 30 minutes left for the Greytribe quiz’s final day! Don’t miss out on your chance to grab those last-minute points and secure your spot on the leaderboard. Join in and test your knowledge now! :clock3::brain::books: greytribequiz #FinalDay

Only 2 golden hours left before the Greytribe quiz’s final day comes to an end! Hurry up and participate to clinch those last-minute points and grab the exciting rewards waiting for you. :hourglass_flowing_sand::trophy::star2: #FinalHours greytribequiz

Just 90 minutes remaining! Don’t miss out on your last chance to shine in the Greytribe quiz and secure your spot on the leaderboard. Join now and show your knowledge prowess! :alarm_clock::brain::checkered_flag: #Last90Minutes greytribequiz

Time is ticking! With just 1 hour left, it’s your final opportunity to participate in the Greytribe quiz. Hurry up and make your mark on the leaderboard before it’s too late! :alarm_clock::clock1::trophy: #Final60Minutes greytribequiz

Only 25 minutes left! The Greytribe quiz is about to wrap up for the day. Join now and give it your all for a chance to win exciting rewards! :alarm_clock::clock3::tada: #FinalCountdown greytribequiz

The clock is ticking! Only 15 minutes left to showcase your knowledge in the Greytribe quiz. Don’t miss out on this final opportunity to participate and win amazing rewards! :alarm_clock::clock3::trophy: #Last15Minutes greytribequiz

It’s crunch time! Just 10 minutes left to wrap up the Greytribe quiz. Hurry up and make those final selections to secure your place on the leaderboard! :alarm_clock::clock3::checkered_flag: #FinalCountdown greytribequiz

The clock is ticking! Only 5 minutes remain for your last chance to participate in the Greytribe quiz. Don’t miss out on the excitement and rewards – join now and give it your best shot! :alarm_clock::clock5::fire: #FinalFive greytribequiz

The countdown is almost over! You have just 1 minute left to be a part of the Greytribe quiz. Hurry up and make the most of this last opportunity to win exciting rewards! :alarm_clock::clock3::fire: #LastMinute greytribequiz

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the Greytribe Quiz 2.0 new season! We hope you enjoyed the quiz. The anticipation is on as we gear up to announce the winners on Monday. Stay tuned for updates, and remember, there are more chances to participate, win, and keep learning! :trophy::tada::books: greytribequiz #StayTuned

A post was split to a new topic: Gratuity Rules and Regulations

I hope you are doing well.

Please let me know by when I expect the gift voucher for the Quiz.
Awaiting your reply.

Thank you
Nisha Patel


Hi @NishaPatel ,

The gift will be processed today by the second half. Hope that helps.

Community Manager.


Thank you for the reminder.

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