Maternity Leave - How Much To Pay? Total Salary Is 45000 And Basic Is 20000

I want know one thing please help me, My question is:- We have a trading company FMCG and we have total employee’s is one thousand plus. We have one CA is Female. She wants her Maternity leave from st May-2018. and total salary is 45000 and basic is 20000. So please suggest me how much pay at Maternity Leave of her in this case.

If she has been working with you for 12 months with at least 80 days working days in this 12 months, she will be eligible for maternity leave of 26 weeks plus a payment of Rs 3500(one time) as medical bonus. This medical bonus is not required if you have arranged for her prenatal and post natal care. This 26 weeks leave should be paid leave at the same rate of salary that she has been drawing, ie, Rs 45000.