Dear Greytip Team,
As every company has started asking employees to get vaccinated to avoid further spreading of covid 19, we also wanted to implement for our employees. in this regard, i wud like to voice out my opinion - when an employee logs in their ESS portal, it shd pop up “Did you get vaccinated or not”?. if vaccinated, the concerned employee has to upload the document related to vaccination of that person, subsequently, the employee must get an acknowledgment notification thro mail, the same mail shd reach the employee’s team head and also the HR person for their verification and confirmation. the process to be set in such a way that it hs to be viewed and approved by the reporting authority and final confirmation must reach the concerned employee and HR person. if an employee does one vaccination, in his ess portal shd reflect Orange colour, two vaccinations - Green and no vaccination means - Red colour. this shd be viewed by employee, HR and the reporting authority as how hr/reporting view their team members attendance / leave details. at one click of mouse, we will have the details of all employees vaccination details and thereby employer can push them to get vaccinated faster to access office .
Kindly check this option and get back on the feasibility of implementing in our Greytip and i am sure this would be very useful for all the companies.
thanks and regards
V. Gnanamani
Fourth Dimension Tech Pvt Ltd.