On this Men’s Day, this poem is dedicated to you all men’s -
To the Most Honorable Creation in the World.
I hope the little boy inside you loves this,
I know you carry so much on your shoulders—
Being a father, a brother, a son, a friend,
A man who always looks after his family,
Fulfilling their dreams, caring, and earning,
And keeping up father’s respect.
But somewhere along the way,
Between the hustle and the grind,
The child within you vanished,
Lost in the weight of all your roles.
So, stop being the strong, masculine force always.
Sometimes it’s okay to cry,
It’s okay to say you’re tired,
It’s okay to be wrong.
Let the child inside you be free,
Expressive, joyful, and cheerful.
Love yourself, take time to care for you,
Go to the mountains, drive through nature, and feel free.
And always remember, we are proud of you,
We honor the responsibility you bear,
The passion you have for those you love,
Because, in the end, it’s all about family.
So trust yourself, work toward your dreams,
Earn what you deserve, enjoy your circle,
But never forget—you are important.
Be you, be loved, and stay blessed.
Wishing you all the happiest Men’s Day—
Keep smiling, and may your heart always shine.
Community Manager.