Day 2 of the GreyTribe Quiz is LIVE! Are you ready? 🔥

Hello Community Members,

You made it through Day 1—now it’s time to level up! :rocket:
The competition is getting tougher, and the stakes are higher. Can you stay on top? :trophy:

:white_check_mark: New questions, new challenges!
:white_check_mark: Prove your HR expertise
:white_check_mark: Climb the leaderboard

:link: [Join Now] ([Greytribe Quiz 3.0] Season 12 :: Contest no 142 🎁))

:bulb: Tip: The toughest HR minds don’t just answer—they analyze, strategize, and WIN!

Drop a :fire: in the comments if you have any questions! :point_down:

#GreyTribe #QuizDay2 #HRChampions #LevelUp

Community Manager.


:clock3: Only 3.20 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:


:clock3: Only 2.50 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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:clock3: Only 2.30 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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:clock3: Only 2 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Job shadowing is method of learning, where an individual observes a colleague or professional in their daily work environment to gain firsthand experience and understanding of a specific role or industry. A lot of new joinees in the organization follow this method of learning in the first few days of joining.

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:clock3: Only 90 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Job shadowing is typically used as a learning or training tool, especially for students, career changers, or those considering a new career path. It involves learning about the job from a real-world perspective by following the professional through the day or many days. It provides hands-on exposure and insight into a job without the commitment of taking it on directly.


:clock3: Only 60 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 40 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 30 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 20 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 10 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 3 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 2 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 1 minute left! Hurry up and make your mark!


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