[Greytribe Quiz 3.0] Season 12 :: Contest no 142 🎁

Greetings, Community Members!

:rocket: Thrilling Announcement Alert! Greytribe Quiz 3.0 Season 12 Day #2 is officially underway! :tada:

Embark on this exciting quiz journey and put your knowledge to the test. Seize the opportunity to win fabulous rewards while enjoying a fun learning experience! :sparkles::brain::gift: #GreytribeQuiz3.0 #KnowledgeIsPower #JoinTheFun

To learn more about the gifting criteria, click here: - Greytribe Quiz 3.0- season 2 launching on 15th April ! :slot_machine:

Which of the following best defines the concept of “Progressive Discipline” in HR?
  • A) Terminating an employee immediately for any misconduct
  • B) Providing employees with a structured series of consequences for poor behavior
  • C) Giving verbal warnings only before termination
  • D) Avoiding disciplinary actions to maintain employee relations
0 voters
Which of the following leadership theories focuses on the adaptability of the leader based on the situation?
  • A) Trait Theory
  • B) Transactional Leadership Theory
  • C) Situational Leadership Theory
  • D) Bureaucratic Leadership
0 voters
In the context of employment law, which of the following is an example of “constructive dismissal”?
  • A) An employee resigns due to a toxic work environment created by the employer
  • B) An employer terminates an employee for misconduct
  • C) An employee voluntarily resigns for a better job offer
  • D) A company lays off workers due to financial losses
0 voters
The “Nine-Box Grid” in HR is primarily used for:
  • A) Employee grievance resolution
  • B) Succession planning and talent management
  • C) Payroll optimization
  • D) Reducing recruitment costs
0 voters

Guidelines and rules:

  • Need to be an existing user or a new user needs to sign up to participate.
  • Contest will be open for 4 hours (From 10 am to 2 pm) (Monday to Friday) (Once a month).
  • Every day 4 questions will be posted.
  • Please use the vote option for your answers. If you post your answer in this post your answer will be considered null and void.
  • Any submissions after 2 pm will be considered null and void.
  • The member who gives the highest number of correct answers in the whole week gets the bumper prize.
  • Post-contest, results will be announced by the following Monday.
  • Goodies/Vouchers whichever are selected for winners will be at the company’s sole discretion.

Community Manager.


:clock3: Only 3.20 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Thanks for the quiz, todays done


:clock3: Only 2.50 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 2.30 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 2 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Hi @Kaulin, thanks for today’s quiz.

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:clock3: Only 90 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 60 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 40 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 30 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 20 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 10 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 3 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 2 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark!

:clock3: Only 1 minute left! Hurry up and make your mark!


Hello Community Members,

Please find below the correct answers to the above questions

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B

Hope this is helpful.

Community Manager.

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