Hi everyone,
Please do help me that, how to frame the exit policy for the employees and how to take the exit interview of employees who wants to left the organization.
Thank you
Hi everyone,
Please do help me that, how to frame the exit policy for the employees and how to take the exit interview of employees who wants to left the organization.
Thank you
Any organization would face retention issues at some point or other due to voluntary or involuntary termination of employment contracts. A policy will assist in defining the rules and guidelines for a smooth exit process.
Please refer the resources section in greytHR website and download a copy of Separation Policy
In addition to this you can also download a copy of model Exit Clearance Checklist
Thank you sir, for your response
@Shamli Glad to know it helped you. We are in a continuous process of adding more documents that might be of help to our community members.
Please feel free to browse through the rest of the documents too.