Karnataka RTCs To Hire 6,800 Staff Members!

The state government approved the hiring of 6,500 drivers and 300 technical staff in the state’s four transportation corporations on Saturday. Because there have been no recruitments in the last eight years, the number of vacancies in the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), Northwestern Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NWKRTC), and Kalyana Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (KKRTC) has increased to 13,669 employees. During this time, many employees retired or quit.

Despite the corporations’ request that the government allow them to hire 13,000 drivers and technicians, only 6,800 people have been hired in the first phase. The KKRTC has been given permission to hire 1,619 drivers and 300 conductors. The state will receive a total of 8,719 driving and technical personnel as a result of this.

Community Manager.

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