Poll : Moonlighting

Hello Community Members,

:crescent_moon::bar_chart: We’re back with another round of an exciting poll! Share your views and opinions on Moonlighting :crescent_moon::busts_in_silhouette::speech_balloon: Is it a beneficial side hustle or a risky endeavor? :thinking::sparkles: Cast your vote and join the discussion to explore the pros and cons of moonlighting! :star2::ballot_box: Your voice matters, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your perspective! Let’s dive into the world of moonlighting together! :crescent_moon::rocket:

Should moonlighting be allowed by companies?
    1. Yes
    1. No.
    1. Maybe
    1. Don’t know

0 voters

Community Members.

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Hello Community Members,

:crescent_moon::star2: Moonlighting Poll :star2::crescent_moon:

Hey there! We have an exciting poll for you to share your thoughts and opinions on moonlighting. Join the conversation and let your voice be heard! :speaking_head::speech_balloon:

:star2: Moonlighting: What’s Your Take? :star2:

:last_quarter_moon_with_face: Do you support moonlighting as an employee? Vote with a :+1: for Yes or a :-1: for No.

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Should employers allow moonlighting? Share your thoughts with a :briefcase: for Yes or a :no_entry_sign: for No.

Remember, your opinions matter! Cast your votes and share your insights on moonlighting. Let’s create a vibrant discussion together! :dizzy::sparkles:

#MoonlightingPoll #ShareYourOpinions #EngageWithUs

Community Manager.


As an employee I do not support moonlighting. My personal opinion is, normally working for one company gives us some work life balance, which allows us to take care of ourselves and the family. Moonlighting will obviously will kill the personal time, also breaks the trust the company have on their employees. Working for multiple companies at a time will definitely increase the difficulties at work where there are chances to loose both the opportunities.

As a HR, I will definitely not recommend a company to allow moonlighting for their employees as it will definitely affect the productivity, chance of sharing the confidential data’s etc… But, we should allow them to continue their hobby (interest) in the weekends or post office hours like, blogging, working for an NGO, making insta posts etc… and we all know few people are getting paid for that too.


@Cloudify ,

Thanks for sharing your opinion. Other community members are also welcome to share their thoughts.

Community Manager.

Thank you each and everyone who participated in the poll. Your participation is much appreciated! You all are awesome :metal:


Most of our members (66%) believe that moonlighting is not a good approach for any company, (22%) believe that it should be allowed by companies as it helps individuals to have a side income, and (11%) believes that they are unsure.

Community Manager