Poll :: Employee Engagement

Hello Community Members,

:interrobang: We are back with an exciting topic to understand your views on the factor you believe has the greatest impact on employee engagement. So join the poll and share your thoughts. :medal_military: :medal_military: :zap: :zap: :tada: :confetti_ball:

What factor do you believe has the greatest impact on employee engagement?
  • a) Clear communication from leadership
  • b) Opportunities for skill development and growth
  • c) Recognition and appreciation for good work
  • d) Work-life balance and flexible scheduling
  • e) Inclusive and diverse workplace culture
  • f) Competitive compensation and benefits
0 voters


Community Manager.


Hello Community Members,

:bar_chart: Employee Engagement Poll :handshake:

We value your input! Please cast your vote on what factor you believe has the greatest impact on employee engagement. Let’s uncover the top influencers together! Share your perspective. :globe_with_meridians::ballot_box:

Community Manager.

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Hello Community Members!

:bar_chart::busts_in_silhouette: We want to know what factor you believe has the greatest impact on employee engagement. Your opinion matters, so join the poll and share your thoughts. Let’s uncover the key drivers of employee engagement together! Click the options to participate now. :rocket::ballot_box::point_down:

Community Manager.

Thank you each and everyone who participated in the poll. Your participation is much appreciated! You all are awesome :metal:


Most of our members (1st Rank) feel that the most important factor they believe has the greatest impact on employee engagement is Recognition and appreciation for good work, (2nd Rank) Work-life balance and flexible scheduling is another crucial factor that must be offered to engagement, (3rd Rank) Opportunities for skill development and growth is a factor which must be considered followed by the (4th Rank) Inclusive and diverse workplace culture and (5th Rank) Clear communication from leadership is also important.

So the conclusion is that β€œRecognition and appreciation for good work” and β€œWork-life balance and flexible scheduling” are the 2 most liked and preferred factor believed to have the greatest impact on employee engagement

Community Manager