Can I view the tax challans online?

The tax department offers an online facility to view and enquire about challan status. By visiting the official portal of TIN-NSDL, taxpayers can monitor their challan deposits and therefore, can verify the details concerning their taxation related payment. TDS challan status can be tracked on the online mode via two views – TAN view and CIN view.

In the TAN view mode of challan tracking, the TAN number serves as the identification number for challan tracking. For any tracking of transactions related to TDS deduction and remittance against the same, TAN is mandatory to be mentioned by the deductors.

In the TAN view mode of challan tracking, the information which can be fetched includes the CIN (Challan Identification Number), Minor and Major Head Codes and the mode/nature of the payment. The deductor has to mention the TAN, and CTD (Challan Tender Date) and these details can be viewed.

In the CIN mode, the challan number serves as the identification number. And the deductor can view all the relevant details.


For Tax Payers

To track the status of challan deposited in bank

Step – 1

Visit or [Click here,](javascript:OpenFormByType(‘’);)​

Step – 2

Select either from CIN (Challan Identification Number) based view or TAN based view

Step – 3

Fill the requisite details in order to view the Status

Step – 4

Tax Deductors may also download the Challan Details file for a selected period through TAN based view, which shall be used to verify the Challan entries filled in the e-TDS/TCS Statement

For Bank Branch

a) Collecting Bank Branch

On providing the branch scroll date and the major head code - description, the tax collecting branch can access the total amount and total number of challans for each major head code. Further, the collecting branch can view following details:

• Challan Serial Number

• Challan Tender Date


• Name of Taxpayer

• Amount

• Date of receipt by TIN

b) Nodal Bank Branch :

On providing the nodal scroll date and the major head code-description, the nodal branch can view the following details:

• Nodal Branch Scroll Number

• Scroll Date

• Major Head Code – Description

• Total Amount

• Number of Branches

• Number of Challans

Further, for each Nodal Branch Scroll Number, following information can be accessed:

• BSR Code

• Branch Scroll Number

• Branch Scroll Date

• Total Amount

• Number of Challans

• Date of receipt by TIN

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