An employee resigns from company immediately after appraisal came in effect (within a month). Are there any policies/guidelines which governs non-relieval of employee for a certain duration (let’s say 3 months) in your company after appraisal?
Industry does not have this as a common practice as far as I know. However, if it needs to be incorporated then how’s it’s validity and is it really a right thing to be taken into action?
same issues I face in our company but let’s say it’s a competitive world and we can’t force to employee to stay back with us. Unless you have notice period on 3 months. I don’t think that we can apply any clause or rule considering appraisal after attrition.
The Offer letter include the notice period of 3 months. At the time of appraisal, only CTC part changed and rest terms remains unchanged which include 3 months notice period as well. Even after appraisal, if they resign then they have to serve 3 months notice period.
Thanks @Aprajita , you are right. Yes notice period is intact. It will be as it is. Here i was curious to know whether is it a valid thing to incorporate a clause after effective appraisal so that employee won’t be able to resign after appraisal.
If you want to include then you can have that clause, else just mention the line :
All the other terms and conditions remain unchanged as per your appointment letter.
If employee sends resignation notice email on weekly off like Saturday / Sunday, then from which date notice period would be counted? From Saturday/Sunday or 1st working day i.e. Monday? Thanks.
There are 2 cases here, one cannot say I’m resigning at night 12.00 on a Sunday and say consider this date as my resignation.
Because officially the receiver is not working on that day being a week off, so usually from the day recipient accepts the resignation it’s considered.
But if you have an automation system in place and that receives the request and acknowledges then it’s a different case.
There are very few companies that will calculate from the date employee submitted, rather it’s from the date recipient acknowledges.
If the resignation letter comes after the working hours it can considered the resignation date the following day. During Sat/Sun resignation date to be considered for Monday.