[Greytribe Quiz 3.0] Season 1 :: Contest no 87 🎁

:bulb: Double-check those answers, encourage your friends, and embrace the intensity of the last moments! Who will emerge victorious in this epic quiz showdown? :thinking::rainbow: Last 1 minute

:tada::star2: Thank you, Greytribe Champions, for an incredible Day 2! :rocket::sparkles: Your enthusiasm, knowledge, and spirit made today unforgettable!

:sunrise_over_mountains: Get ready to do it all over again because TOMORROW, we’re back with Day 3 of the Greytribe Quiz at 10 AM sharp! :alarm_clock::bulb: More questions, more challenges, and more opportunities to showcase your quiz mastery!

:busts_in_silhouette: Tag your fellow quiz enthusiasts, spread the word, and let’s make Day 3 even more epic! :muscle::globe_with_meridians: Together, we’ll continue the quiz saga and discover who will emerge as the ultimate Greytribe Quiz Champion!

:star2: Rest up, recharge those brains, and we’ll see you bright and early at 10 AM! :rainbow::trophy: greytribequiz #Day3Countdown #QuizManiaContinues

Organizational behavior, personal management and industrial relation

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Hello Community Members,

Please find below the correct answers to the above questions

  1. C
  2. B
  3. A, B, C ( Will be giving grace points to all)
  4. D

Hope this is helpful.

Community Manager.