Satisfaction at the workplace is dependent on several factors. Although priorities change with age, one factor remains consistently important —getting on with colleagues at the workplace. While higher pay, better hours, fancy facilities, and other factors are also relevant, these cannot substitute the need for camaraderie, which is common to all employees across organizations. In 2019, research was carried out by the Institute of Learning and Management by surveying over 2,100 workers and identified that good relationship with colleagues was a more important factor by 77 percent of the workers, who felt satisfied in their jobs.
The research had another interesting claim to make. Upon putting together a gender comparison, it was discovered that women seek job satisfaction through work-life balance, while men prefer a more challenging role.
Not surprisingly, therefore, the women who reported feeling satisfied at work stated that a shorter commute and a generous annual leave entitlement added to their satisfaction. In contrast, for the men, internal factors such as a challenging role and a positive company culture were found to be more important.
Such findings are liable to be found depending on the area of research and the people being surveyed. For instance, work-life balance will be cited as a high priority in metro cities, where people spend at least two to three hours in commute every day. On the other hand, internal factors, such as job role and remuneration, may be more preferred in tier-II or tier-III cities, where daily commute time is not as time-consuming.
In terms of gender comparison, the study did not reveal major differences. For instance, access to training and development, feeling valued by their seniors, and getting on well with colleagues all fell into the same category of satisfying factors for both genders, as both rated them almost equally.
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