Poll :: Employee Benefits

Hello Community Members,

:interrobang: We are back with an exciting topic to understand your views on employee benefits that should be offered by an organization and see what is most is the most intriguing option right now. So join the quiz and share your thoughts. :medal_military: :medal_military: :zap: :zap: :tada: :confetti_ball:

What is your most preferred employee benefit program that should be offered by your organization?
  • A. Health Insurance
  • B. Flexible Work Arrangements
  • C. Professional Development Programs & Opportunities
  • D. Wellness Programs
0 voters

Join now and share your response and let’s see what you all think.

Community Manager.


Hello Community Members,

Come forward and share with us the most valued employee benefits program you would like to see from your employer. The poll closes in 1 more day.

Community Manager.


Hello Community Members,

Last 6 hours before the poll gets over. So come over and share with us the most valued employee benefits program you would like to see in your organization.

Community Manager.


Hello Community Members,

Last 2 hours before the poll is over. So join now.

Community Manager.


Thank you each and everyone who participated in the poll. Your participation is much appreciated! You all are awesome :metal:


Most of our members (68%) feel that the most important benefit that an employer should offer is Professional Development Programs & Opportunities, (51%) believe that Health insurance is another crucial factor that must be offered to employees as a benefit, (34%) believe that Flexible Work Arrangements is a factor which must be considered as a benefit and (17%) believes that Wellness programs are also important.

So the conclusion is that β€œProfessional Development Programs & Opportunities” and β€œHealth insurance” are the 2 most liked and preferred benefits our members feel that must be offered as a benefit from employers.

Community Manager