- 4 days
- 5 days
- 7 days
- 14 days
- more than 14 days
0 voters
0 voters
Very important at this hour
Stay safe guys.
@Vidyaranjan …Voted.
It’s a interesting topic. Now its more important again after last year. Looks like this pandemic might be with us for some time. So employers have to put some thought into this area. Atleast for coming months years…
Some states have provided leaves but additional thought needed is what i feel. I vote for 7 days minimum then can be added on.
Thank you @liz @mariya_kapasi @Nisha @RamyaV @Deepti @pelatro @Ajanthat @Ankit @Babu @1108 @suresh.p @Chethanbn @Prithvi
for participating and voicing your valuable opinion for this very important question.
Keep up the great community work going ahead!
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