Steps for PF Payment Online

Can somebody help me with steps to make an online PF payment? as we are new to this want to ensure we are following the correct steps.


Hi @Jeevan,

The following steps should help you.

  • Login to unified portal of EPFO using your Electronic Challan cum Return (ECR) portal credentials
  • Ensure PF details of establishment such as establishment ID, Name, address, exemption status etc shown are correct
  • From β€˜Payment’ option drop down select β€˜ECR upload’
  • Select β€˜Wage Month’, β€˜Salary Disbursal Date’, Rate of contribution and upload ECR text file
  • Uploaded ECR file will be validated for predefined conditions and a screen will appear with a message β€˜File Validation Successful’. If ECR file is not validated, error will throw up. Correct the ECR text file for the specified format and upload again till it is successfully validated
  • In the same page TRRN generated will be displayed for the uploaded ECR file. Click on β€˜Verify’
  • Click on β€˜Prepare Challan’ button to generate ECR summary sheet
  • Now enter Admin/Inspection Charges and click on β€˜Generate Challan’ Button
  • Click on β€˜Finalize’ button after verifying the challan amount
  • Click on β€˜pay’ against the relevant TRRN
  • Select payment mode as β€˜online’ and choose from any of the banks appearing in drop down menu and click on β€˜continue’
  • This action will take you to your bank’s internet banking login website where you need to login and make payment through net banking
  • On successful payment, Payment/Transaction-id will be generated and e-Receipt for transaction confirmation will be populated.
  • The transaction will be updated at EPFO Portal
  • The confirmation of payment against TRRN number will be provided by EPFO.



Thanks, @Nisha very useful.

Definitely will be helpful for people around & first time payers.