Error Member is not a member of pension scheme. EPS wages should be zero. found on line numbers: [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26, 33, 35, 37, 43, 44, 50]
Error UAN: Invalid UAN value. found on line numbers: [52]
Help me to upload it once
Line Number 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26, 33, 35, 37, 43, 44, 50 Employee are not Eligible for EPS So, Kindly mark Zero for EPS wages and
Line Number 52 Employee UAN was Number was invalid. Kindly check the UAN of that employee.
If a make update EPS Wages Zero the PF portal is not uploading so how i can update it
Call me 7619691302
HI Can call me 8146992007 or mail me
Hi Praful,
You may try the following:
Steps to Fix and Upload Again
Step 1: Open the ECR File
- The ECR file is usually in text (.txt) or Excel (.csv) format.
- Open it using Excel or Notepad++.
Step 2: Fix EPS Wages Issue
- Locate the EPS Wages column (usually column 7 in the EPF file).
- For the mentioned line numbers, change the value in the EPS Wages column to 0.
Step 3: Validate the UAN
- Go to line 52 in your file and check the UAN.
- Ensure it is a 12-digit number and matches the UAN assigned by EPFO.
- If incorrect, update it with the correct UAN.
Step 4: Save the File in the Correct Format
- If using Excel, save as CSV (Comma Delimited) and then convert it to .txt if required.
- If using a text editor, ensure there are no extra spaces or invalid characters.
Step 5: Re-upload the ECR File
- Log in to the EPFO Employer Portal.
- Go to ECR Upload.
- Select the corrected ECR text file.
- Submit and verify.
Alternative Fix for EPS Wages Issue
Since updating EPS wages to zero prevents the file from uploading, try the following:
1. Check Employee’s EPS Eligibility
- Employees who joined EPF after Sep 1, 2014, with wages above ₹15,000/month are NOT eligible for EPS. Their EPS wages should be zero.
- Employees who were members before Sep 1, 2014 should have EPS wages (subject to limits).
2. Correcting EPS Wages in the File
- If the employee is not eligible for EPS, make sure:
- EPS wages are zero.
- Pension Contribution (Column 10) is zero.
- NCP Days (Column 11) is correctly filled.
- If the employee is eligible for EPS but EPS wages were mistakenly zero, update the correct EPS wages.
3. Validate the File Format
- Ensure there are no extra spaces, hidden characters, or wrong delimiters in the text file.
- Open the file in Notepad++ or Excel, check alignment, and save it as a plain .txt file (UTF-8 format preferred).
4. Re-Upload the File
- Log in to EPFO Employer Portal.
- Go to ECR Upload.
- Select the corrected ECR text file and submit.
For a comprehensive list of ECR error codes and their resolutions, consult the EPFO’s official documentation. Please note, EPFO portal is undergoing some enhancements due to which the members may face some glitch in the meanwhile.
Bhuvana Anand