The HR Book Club #3 :: The HR Scorecard

Hello Community Members,

We’re thrilled to bring you another captivating book in our series: “The HR Scorecard” by Brian Becker, Mark Huselid, and Dave Ulrich. :star2: Get ready for an insightful journey! :rocket::open_book: #BookClub

The HR Scorecard

          -- Brian Becker, Mark Huselid, and Dave Ulrich


About this book

This book is arguably the oldest on this list but also the most timeless. In the HR Scorecard, Becker and colleagues explain how people, strategy, and performance can be linked and quantified.

HRM has never been regarded as a hard science. Aligning HR activities with the organizational strategy and measuring the impact on the workforce hasn’t always come naturally to HR. However, when done well, it enables HR to quantify its impact and measure the effectiveness of its work.

Speaking the same language as the business helps quantify the work of HR. The business is focused on key performance indicators (KPIs) and on achieving a return on investment (ROI). Once HR can quantify some of its activities through these elements, it can build credibility.

In case you want to read it, here is the link -

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