The Work-From-Office Schedule Has Been Positive": Zerodha's CEO Nithin kamath

It seems as if the pandemic losses have till not been recovered for a few. Recently, Zerodha’s Founder and CEO Nithin Kamath was seen sharing his experience of working at home during pandemic. He took to twitter to express his views,“All of us at Zerodha went fully remote during the pandemic lockdown in 2020. While it’s been great for some, it hasn’t been for others.”

Kamath believes that work from home works well for support roles given the structured nature of the work. But for tech, business, and decision-making teams, it becomes detrimental, primarily due to the big gaps in remote communication.

Now since the time few of the teams in rotation have begun to come to office, Kamath has been having a sigh of relief.

“So about ~10% (100+ people) of the core team started coming to the office 3 days a week starting a few months ago. The change has been dramatically positive to say the least.”

Community Manager.