Top 3 winners of the Greytribe Quiz 3.0 - Season 2 💥

Dear Greytribe Community,

We hope this message finds you all well and full of energy!

Exciting news awaits! :tada: We’re thrilled to unveil the top 3 winners of Greytribe Quiz 3.0 Season 2! :trophy: Selected through a lucky draw from our participants, these individuals have claimed victory and will each receive a fantastic lucky goodie box. :gift: Without further ado, let’s reveal the names of our top achievers this time! :sparkles: Additionally, as a token of appreciation to all participants, we’re offering an amazing 50% discount on our top Udemy courses! :shopping::books:

Username Name Correct response
CS17018 Chetan A D 20
Meghanak Meghana K 20

Others who will only gift vouchers are -

Username Name Correct response
A984SCE Venkat 20
Chandru Chandru 20
chetanmurgkar Chetan Murgkar 20
dhanushh Dhanush 20
dreamer dreamer 20
Ganapathi Ganapathi B 20
Ganeshabv Ganesha B V 20
lakshanaa lakshanaa 20
Lakshmee Lakshmee 20
Pradeep.B.V Pradeep 20
Rachhuu 20
raheeena 20
Rahilaaa 20
rameena rameena 20
Rash 20
Rashmitha Rashmitha P 20
Shaurya Shaurya 20
Sinchu Sinchana 20
smithaaa 20
Sraju Shanthi 20
Thanishkaa 20
thashmira 20

Don’t be disheartened in case you didn’t win the goodie box. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:. Keep participating and you will also get an opportunity to possess the amazing goodie box.

Note -

Requesting the top 3 winners to share their delivery addresses by mailing us at Kindly note that you share the complete address without any mistakes as we won’t be able to re-deliver the goodie box in case of any error.

We would need the following details -

1. Full Name -
2. Contact Number -
3. Address -
4. Pin Code -

Come and join together to congratulate all the winners :slight_smile: :confetti_ball: :tada: :trophy: :medal_sports:

Keep participating and you can also get a chance to become the lucky one who can get the amazing goodie box. Stay tuned for our next Greytribe Quiz next month starting on 13th May 2024.

Community Manager.


Hi @Kaulin ,

When will be receive the Goodie box?

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Hey @Meghanak ,

It should have reached by now. I will check with our gifting partner and share an update with you tomorrow.

Hope that helps.

Community Manager.

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@Kaulin , Any update?

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Hey @Meghanak ,

I have dropped a mail with the tracking details to you. Kindly check.

Community Manager,

Thank you @Kaulin for your quick support, I received a goodie from Greythr. I am so happy for this and thank you greythr team.


Hey @Meghanak ,

Delighted to hear that you liked the gift box. :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: Keep participating and winning .

Community Manager.

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