Are split shifts tough to manage? Wait for the big reveal! ๐Ÿ˜€

Hello Community Members,

Coming soon!

Chaos in managing varied shifts, difficulty in balancing employee schedules, manual shift assignment โ€” does any of it sound familiar? These problems are the side effects of managing split shifts! Industries such as healthcare, construction, hospitality, and retail struggle with split shifts.

The result? Increase in attrition and cost to the company :scream:

greytHR is all set to dispel dissatisfaction, productivity loss, and inefficiency with the upcoming launch. :racehorse::cowboy_hat_face: Check out the benefits :point_down:

:one: Optimize resource utilization during peak hours.

:two: Boost employee satisfaction with flexible schedules.

:three: Streamline shift assignments and reduce admin tasks.

:four: Effectively manage complex schedules.

:star2: The wait for automated split shift management is almost over! Keep your eyes peeled :eyes: for the big announcement.:star2:

How does Split Shift benefit you? Check it out here -

Incase of any queries, please feel free to reach out to us.

Community Manager.


This is an exciting featureโ€ฆ waiting to see the final outcome.

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