[Greytribe Quiz 3.0] Season 11 :: Contest no 137 🎁

Greetings, Community Members!

:rocket: Thrilling Announcement Alert! Greytribe Quiz 3.0 Season 11 Day #2 is officially underway! :tada:

Embark on this exciting quiz journey and put your knowledge to the test. Seize the opportunity to win fabulous rewards while enjoying a fun learning experience! :sparkles::brain::gift: #GreytribeQuiz3.0 #KnowledgeIsPower #JoinTheFun

To learn more about the gifting criteria, click here: - Greytribe Quiz 3.0- season 2 launching on 15th April ! :slot_machine:

As per the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, a “Lay-off” applies when:
  • A. The employee is temporarily removed due to disciplinary action
  • B. The employer is unable to provide work due to shortages or breakdowns
  • C. The worker voluntarily resigns
  • D. The employee is terminated for misconduct
0 voters
In labor relations, the “grievance procedure” primarily aims to:
  • A. Increase employee motivation
  • B. Ensure compliance with safety standards
  • C. Address employee complaints systematically
  • D. Measure workforce productivity
0 voters
Which of the following is NOT a key principle of Total Quality Management (TQM) in HR?
  • A. Employee involvement
  • B. Customer focus
  • C. Process improvement
  • D. Strict adherence to labor laws
0 voters
The concept of “Psychological Contract” in HR refers to:
  • A. A formal employment contract outlining terms and conditions
  • B. The unwritten expectations between employer and employee
  • C. Legal obligations under labor law
  • D. Job descriptions and job specifications
0 voters

Guidelines and rules:

  • Need to be an existing user or a new user needs to sign up to participate.
  • Contest will be open for 4 hours (From 10 am to 2 pm) (Monday to Friday) (Once a month).
  • Every day 4 questions will be posted.
  • Please use the vote option for your answers. If you post your answer in this post your answer will be considered null and void.
  • Any submissions after 2 pm will be considered null and void.
  • The member who gives the highest number of correct answers in the whole week gets the bumper prize.
  • Post-contest, results will be announced by the following Monday.
  • Goodies/Vouchers whichever are selected for winners will be at the company’s sole discretion.

Community Manager.


:clock3: Only 3.30 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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:clock3: Only 3 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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Done, thanks! @Kaulin


:clock3: Only 2.30 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Hi @Kaulin. Thanks. today’s Quiz done.

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:clock3: Only 2 hours left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 90 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 60 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 45 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:clock3: Only 20 minutes left! Hurry up and make your mark! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Please extend time till 5:00 PM because only in the morning we have to be busy in attendance and other pending works.
Generally, we get some time in the second half.
Please bring such changes from today only.

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Thank you for participating in today’s quiz! :tada: Join us tomorrow at 10 AM sharp! :date:

Hello Community Members,

Please find below the correct answers to the above questions

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B

Hope this is helpful.

Community Manager.

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