Spread over hours extension


Can someone help with information on what is spread over hours ?and what is its extension?

Please guide.

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I think 10.5 hours for Factories, Commercial Establishments and 12 hours for Shops is the standard spreadover. However with special notifications, extension is possible in specific areas or industries during extreme climate and pandemic situation.

More importantly, the Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (OSH & WC), says daily working hours can extend up to 12 hours. The Occupational Safety, Health And Working Conditions Code, 2020 is a code to consolidate and amend the laws regulating the Occupational safety and health and working conditions of the persons employed in an establishment. The Act replaces 13 old central labour laws.

The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 22 September 2020, and the Rajya Sabha on 23 September 2020.The bill received the presidential assent on 28 September 2020, but the date of coming into force is yet to be notified in the official gazette.

So I think we have to wait for some more time