Employee absconding

  1. How many days of absent from work makes employee as absconder as per law?
  2. What is the process from employer to be taken if an employee absconds?
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  1. When an employee doesn’t show up for work for an extended period, say upwards of 2 weeks without any intimation, one should expect the worst that it is an absconding case. [2 weeks can be 2 -3 days also depends on company to company]. There is no law to wait for specific time line to declare as absconded.
  2. Contact the absconder telephonically and by sending an email.
  3. If there is no response, then communicate by sending an official (registered or courier) Show Cause Notice on the last known address of the employee.
  4. If no reply is received within a stipulated period, send a [warning letter] clearly indicating that a termination action will be taken if the employee does not report back to work.
  5. If no reply is received within 48 hours of the warning letter via any mode, you can terminate him and prepare his full and final settlement till the date he had come to office.

It is important to terminate such as employee once you have exhausted all options of trying to get in touch with the absconded employee. Keeping the employee on your roles can be a challenge in many ways.

I hope i have answered all your queries.

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