Greater Chennai PT Tax Half yearly Charges on New Joinee

As an employee joined in Feb of Any financial year is levied Tax of 1250 for period of half yearly Oct to Mar.
But Here Employee has to pay only PT For Feb & Mar. But he/She is paying 1250

208+208 = 416, Where is 834 Amount Going???


Employee should only be paying statutory taxes for the month being in service and that too up to as per the limits and rates prescribed under such laws. Charging over and above is not logical. Request the employee with explaination and breakup for the amount.


Hi @Rakesh.manoharan

Salary for the half year in Rs Profession Tax for the half year in Rs
Less than or equal to 21,000 Nil
21,001 – 30,000 100
30,001 – 45,000 235
45,001 – 60,000 510
60,001 – 75,000 760
75,001 and above 1095

Ff an employee earns more Rs 15,000 each month (more than Rs 75,000 in a half-year), a sum of Rs 1095 should be deducted towards PT (please see the PT rate table above). Organizations following the equated monthly PT deduction method deduct Rs 182 (Rs 1095/6) each month towards PT in the monthly payroll. At the end of 6 months the organization will have deducted Rs 1095 for PT remittance.

But since here it’s joining from Feb employer should only consider the months which he worked for.

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