Is it Mandatory to update Bank and AADHAR number in PF


Is updating Bank and AADHAR number in their PF portal mandatory for employees? What are the benefits?


Yes, it is mandatory.

Aadhar is basic requirement for generation of UAN & validation of employee Name, DOB, etc

PAN is required for Taxation purpose while PF withdrawal.


Aadhar authentication required while withdrawing the PF amount and it’s inter linked with the Bank account & UAN no. Purpose of this concept to avoid any manipulation for while withdrawing the PF


Dear All,

I was planning to send out a communication to all employees on the Tax Declaration for F.Y. 2021-22 as we are almost in the middle of April 2021. Just was curious to know if there is an orientation session by GreytHR on the same. If you have one, pls let us know the timing of the same. Sorry if I have missed your earlier communication in this regard.

Best Regards,

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Hi @Swati

It’s mandatory as this gives lot of privileges and ease of accessing the account and account related services, likely claims - transfer of accounts - merging of accounts etc.,

Beyond the benefits it’s mandatory to do so :wink: