Startup company having 10 employees . One of employee having existing PF account .
So , this company needs to be register under PF ?
Startup company having 10 employees . One of employee having existing PF account .
So , this company needs to be register under PF ?
Organizations with 20 or more employees are required by law to register for the EPF scheme, while those with fewer than 20 employees can also register voluntarily.
Hi @Abhi9959
There are various exemptions that a small company gets in terms of listing them as a PF Org. But if you get to recruit an employee who has PF (& not withdrawn or closed completely) you need to enrol that employee into PF under your Org. and contribute.
You need not do this to other employees as your Org. is exempted but for one employee you need to do so.
Thanks for the brief information , appreciate !!