Our digital signature for EPFO is expired in this lockdown period. So do we have to visit EPFO office to get the new digital signature registered or is there any online option available for the same? As the digital signature is not registered with EPFO portal, we cannot approve some KYCs or transfer claims of our ex-employees.
It must be there. Email id’s will as per your PF location. Kindly contact them and they will let you know. You can send the scan copies and they shall approve the DSC.
You can raise a compliaint to emaiil ID : ro.bangalore1@epfindia.gov.in if you are in Bangalore. I too had the same problem, got this resolved in a day.
Just wanted to check if we can use the DSC token for approving Joint Declaration Forms (correction of name etc.) on PF portal OR do we need to Register for the E-Sign facility. Is there any new announcement on the same.
Thank you.